Collar Jobs

Collar Jobs

Every organisation has various work force according to the need of work. And the place of the worker in the structure of the work force decides the colour of their collar. Do you know the colour of your collar in your organisation?

White Collar

The desk jobs are the best examples of White Collar Jobs. Administrative servants are also included. Typically requires formal education.

Blue Collar

The workers who do physical, manual labour, along with skilled technical labour. Vocational courses are typically required.

Grey Collar

This title is neutral for several posts of job, but it majorly indicates field workers, like Civil engineers.

Gold Collar

The most skilled professionals at places, including surgeons and lawyers.

Pink Collar

These work were considered "Culturally held by women," which is now used for service jobs, including retail clerks, sales personnel of both genders.

Green Collar

The occupations that handle the conservation and sustainability of environment.

Orange Collar

Have you noticed, in movies, that prison inmates are shown in orange uniforms...! The prison labourers are Orange Collar Workers.

Black Collar

Here, black means dirty, literally and figuratively. Drilling and mining workers have Black Collar, because they work in a lot of dirt. It is also associated with illegal professions and monkey business.

Chrome Collar

The advanced tech works where jobs are automated and/or done by robots.

Popped Collar

People from rich families who take 9-to-5 jobs for character building, etc.

Scarlett Collar

Workers in the sex industry have Scarlett Collars.

No Collar

Unpaid interns and volunteers have no collar. Those who decide to go for their passion, ruling out their run for money, also have no collar.

I hope you liked this article and if any edit is required, your suggestions are welcomed. Please tell me if i missed any other type of collar jobs.

Yours Truly.