In some situations, we are one little tip away from a good upgrade. And as it's said, “A stitch at time saves nine.” So here in this read, you'll get four little tips that will save your nine stitches of regret later.
Sometimes, we enter a room and we forget why we came in. In other times, we are confused about what should we do first... Should we do house choruses, or finish the home work first, or prepare the draft for tomorrow! This happens in study life, work life, social life, everywhere. So whenever you enter this dilemma, start cleaning your workplace. Clean your study table, do dishes, restore your work desk, etc. At the end of the work, your mind will sort out things by itself and you'll know what to do next. And obviously you'll get a clean work place to start with. This method is also proved helpful for depression patients.
During web interviews
At college entrances, or job interviews, Skype interviews were always preferred and this pandemic has made it a compulsion. So for the next time, when you'll face a web cam for an interview, directly look at the camera. Not around the camera or on the screen, directly on the camera. It'll radiate a psychological influence confidence because this method mimics the method of direct eye contact.
Traces on social media.
For the betterment of your personal and professional life, always keep your social media clean. Delete your too old posts and photos, avoid making inappropriate comments, don't follow inappropriate accounts, and either post true information, or don’t post it. Keep checking your privacy status as well. All the celebrities, pages and accounts you follow on your social media is checked by your employer and it clearly ,shows your likes and dislikes, your political views, your work ideas and ethics as well.* Same thing, besides your employer, goes with your new friends, so always keep a track of what you leave in social media.
Enhancing your social interaction.
Whenever we move to a new place, like, shifting to a new city, new work place, new college, or even a date, the most necessary thing is to start a conversation to make friends and ease up your environment. Your interaction will deciding factor for many things. Striking a first conversation is easy when you are willing to make one. One method is to when you are at a new place, look who is doing what. Is that person happy or frustrated, their work is something you already know about, or that student studies the same subjects as you, etc. Catch little things. And when you are ready with something you think is appropriate, start with a question. “Oh, you're a football fan? Manchester or Barcelona?” “This project is offered by client ABC?” “Will I be helpful in your work?” And there you go. Plus, compliment them in abundance. They'll open up easily. Second method, is to be ready with miscellaneous 10 questions, depending upon the place and occasion. It helps when you can't catch anything in little detail. Analyse the place, the people, the work, and such things, and make related questions. You will be totally ready to talk because you already know your next question.
I hope you liked this article. Please add more tips which will help all of us! Drop a comment to start a good conversation. Until then, Yours truly.